Mary Helen Abbott Leisey, upon graduation from Honey Brook High
School in 1942 was accepted, following tests, to the School of Nursing at Coatesville Hospital in
Coatesville, PA. She chose to join the Cadet Nurse Corps program in 1943, thus pledging to join
the U.S. Military upon graduation and passing the Pennsylvania State Board Examinations with the
degree of R.N. - Registered Nurse.
In February 1945, she was assigned to Deshon Army Hospital in Butler, PA where she cared for wounded men and women returned from the European Theatre of War.
Graduation was in September 1945. The awful war was over so Mary Helen, when moving to State College, PA with husband Al, joined the American Red Cross and was asked to teach Home Nursing, which she did, following more learning classes.
Life went on with husband Al and the birth and nourishing of six dear children. Mary Helen qualified for her license in all the states they moved to; school nursing in New Jersey, Nursing Home and Stroke Survey in New York, establishing a school lunch and nutrition program for twenty plus private schools in northern California. In North and South Carolina, she conducted classes in nutrition, including a weekly radio program. At the Myrtle Beach General Hospital and The Little River Spa, in South Carolina she conducted seminars on Stroke Management and Nutrition.
A gratifying nursing and parenting adventure!